The EU Green Deal’s NAIADES III program and the European Strategy for Smart and Sustainable Mobility (SSMS) both aim to double the proportion of inland waterways transport (IWT) between the years 2030 and 2050. At the same time, finding alternate energy sources and propulsion systems is one of the biggest difficulties facing the IWT industry.

The SEArica intergroup is pleased to host a virtual conference on the Danube River one year following the release of the European Commission’s NAIADES III Inland Waterways Transport Strategy.

Co-hosted by MEP Carmen Avram, SEArica Vice-Chair for the Danube and the Black Sea & MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, SEArica member & EP rapporteur of the INI Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe.

The event is supported by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions

You can find the recording of this event here – CLICK HERE

Also you can have a look at the documents here – CLICK HERE